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Delia Cancela: We are Nature - Nature is Us

Delia Cancela, Path, 2020.Exhibition image.jpg

The works presented in this exhibition belong to the series Mujeres y Naturaleza / Women and Nature, and expand upon a long-held motif in Delia Cancela's practice.

When Delia began her art studies at the age of 13, she observed how historical paintings depicted women as splendid creatures. However, this quality was sharply in contrast to their lack of agency in real life. Icons of beauty and elegance, the painted women's sensuality and allure didn't sit comfortably in the artist's mind with their home confinement and their exclusion from education. In this sense, the apron, which Delia frequently employs as painting support to make wearable artworks, summons the contrived domestic space's tension exposing age-old gender-based labour hierarchies.

Hence, the first years of her artistic practice were centred on representing liberated women of the 1960s, elegant and daringly modern at once.

The online exhibition is presented within the ‘Female Voices from Latin America’ series and hosted at platform.

April 15

In conversation with artist Shannon Te Ao